Hi! I'm so behind on updating the old blog! I wanted to pop in for a minute and share my Pink Pop Quilt that appeared in Issue 34 of Love Patchwork and Quilting. If you're not getting this magazine, you're missing out! It is such a beautiful magazine, with lovely projects inside! This issue should be on newsstands right now in the US!

(photo courtesy of Love Patchwork and Quilting, used with permission)
I loved making this quilt, and actually made it twice! I submitted a blue and green version (pictured below), but they wanted it to have more 'pop' and I love the color scheme we decided on - so bright and happy! This design is made of paper-pieced blocks, and is very easy - a great introduction to paper piecing!

I'd love to see your finished quilts! Tag them on IG with #pinkpopquilt and @mommysew, so I can see them! Or email me at [email protected] with your finished pictures.